Living the Extreme Life Moment by Moment

In these final few pages we’ve listed some of the trials and hurdles you may encounter as you set out to live an Extreme Life with Christ. Along with each trial or hurdle we’ve also listed the truths you’ve learned throughout this course. Memorize God’s promises and apply them to your life on a regular basis. As you walk with God on a daily basis you will experience Extreme Life with Him!

PROBLEM #1: “I don’t feel forgiven.”
Read of Jesus’ total forgiveness in lesson 1.

PROBLEM #2: I find it difficult to trust Jesus with my problems and the details of life.”
SOLUTION: Read about the Holy Spirit’s supernatural help for you in lessons 2 and 3. Jesus is God, and knows everything. He promises to take care of you and meet all your needs because He cares for you. (Remember: needs and wants are different.)

PROBLEM #3:“How can I know God hasn’t forgotten me when I experience trials and down times? If God cares about me, why doesn’t He take my trials away?”
SOLUTION: God’s Word tells us we will experience trials and hardships. (Remember Joni in lesson 3?) Jesus himself and his disciples had many trials and were ultimately killed for their faith. But God was always present through their trials and gave them supernatural peace and joy.

PROBLEM #4: “I keep struggling over and over with the same sins and can’t seem to break free. How does the Holy Spirit give me the power to obey Him?”
SOLUTION: You must choose to trust the Holy Spirit with each thought and deed in your life. Practice Spiritual Breathing (lesson 3). You will never totally eliminate sin in your life, but you can choose at any moment to confess your sin and walk in the total forgiveness and power of the indwelling Holy Spirit.

PROBLEM #5: “Why don’t I experience the joy and peace Jesus promises to his children?”
SOLUTION: It’s easy for all of us to take our eyes off of Jesus and get discouraged by our own circumstances. Jesus wants us to put our complete trust and hope in Him, not in this world. When our eyes are on Him, He gives us his peace and joy.

PROBLEM #6: “Why aren’t my prayers being answered?”
SOLUTION: Read lesson 5. God promises to answer prayers when they are the result of pure motives and in accordance with his will and purpose. However, God’s ways and timing are not the same as ours, and He answers our requests in the way He determines best. Don’t despair, keep trusting God and bring your requests to Him. Often God answers prayers in ways we don’t understand or realize. Someday we will fully understand his purposes, but until then, we must trust Him, and keep praying

PROBLEM # 7: I believe Satan or an evil spirit has control over me. How can I be delivered from the forces of evil?”
SOLUTION: Satan has no power over an obedient Christian. While he may attack us, he is powerless when we are walking in the Spirit. However, a Christian who doesn’t wear his armor (read Ephesians 6:10-18) is not protected against Satan’s attacks. The best way to defeat Satan is to walk in total obedience to Christ. In cases of demonic oppression, you should call for the elders of the church to pray for you. Neither Satan nor his demons have any power or authority over you when Christ directs your life. You need to trust God’s Word on that. Read 2 Corinthians 10:3-5.

PROBLEM # 8: “How can I live an obedient life in the face of so much temptation?”
SOLUTION: Review lessons 2 and 3 and make sure you have surrendered your life to the Holy Spirit. Obedience will only come if you yield your life to the Holy Spirit moment by moment. Strength to overcome temptation is greatly increased when you read and memorize God’s Word, pray, fellowship with other believers, and share God’s love with others. Begin each day with Him, and breathe spiritually throughout the day.

PROBLEM # 9: “I can’t seem to have victory over sexual sins.”
SOLUTION: God made your body, and He understands your desires. Sex was created by God as a good thing when it is an expression of love between a husband and wife. God’s Word condemns sex outside of marriage, but He still forgives us when we fall. The Christian who has yielded his or her body to God can have complete victory over sexual sin. Satan will attack our thought life and tell us that we can’t win, but God’s power is greater, and He will give victory to those who truly want it. Read Ephesians 6:10-18.

PROBLEM # 10:“I don’t seem to be growing in my walk with Christ.”
SOLUTION: Here is a secret. Most men and women who live godly lives spend time in God’s Word reviewing, and even memorizing, his promises. Then throughout the day they apply them to each situation they face. Living in the power of the Holy Spirit and spending time in God’s Word go hand in hand. “So I run straight to the goal with purpose in every step” (1 Corinthians 9:26).

Living the Extreme Life Moment by Moment

In these final few pages we’ve listed some of the trials and hurdles you may encounter as you set out to live an Extreme Life with Christ. Along with each trial or hurdle we’ve also listed the truths you’ve learned throughout this course. Memorize God’s promises and apply them to your life on a regular basis. As you walk with God on a daily basis you will experience Extreme Life with Him!

PROBLEM #1: “I don’t feel forgiven.”

SOLUTION: Read of Jesus’ total forgiveness in lesson 1.

PROBLEM #2: “I find it difficult to trust Jesus with my problems and the details of life.”

SOLUTION: Read about the Holy Spirit’s supernatural help for you in lessons 2 and 3. Jesus is God, and knows everything. He promises to take care of you and meet all your needs because He cares for you. (Remember: needs and wants are different.)

PROBLEM #3: “How can I know God hasn’t forgotten me when I experience trials and down times? If God cares about me, why doesn’t He take my trials away?”

SOLUTION: God’s Word tells us we will experience trials and hardships. (Remember Joni in lesson 3?) Jesus himself and his disciples had many trials and were ultimately killed for their faith. But God was always present through their trials and gave them supernatural peace and joy.

PROBLEM #4: “I keep struggling over and over with the same sins and can’t seem to break free. How does the Holy Spirit give me the power to obey Him?”

SOLUTION: You must choose to trust the Holy Spirit with each thought and deed in your life. Practice Spiritual Breathing (lesson 3). You will never totally eliminate sin in your life, but you can choose at any moment to confess your sin and walk in the total forgiveness and power of the indwelling Holy Spirit.

PROBLEM #5: “Why don’t I experience the joy and peace Jesus promises to his children?”

SOLUTION: It’s easy for all of us to take our eyes off of Jesus and get discouraged by our own circumstances. Jesus wants us to put our complete trust and hope in Him, not in this world. When our eyes are on Him, He gives us his peace and joy.

PROBLEM #6: “Why aren’t my prayers being answered?”

SOLUTION: Read lesson 5. God promises to answer prayers when they are the result of pure motives and in accordance with his will and purpose. However, God’s ways and timing are not the same as ours, and He answers our requests in the way He determines best. Don’t despair, keep trusting God and bring your requests to Him. Often God answers prayers in ways we don’t understand or realize. Someday we will fully understand his purposes, but until then, we must trust Him, and keep praying.

PROBLEM # 7: “I believe Satan or an evil spirit has control over me. How can I be delivered from the forces of evil?”

SOLUTION: Satan has no power over an obedient Christian. While he may attack us, he is powerless when we are walking in the Spirit. However, a Christian who doesn’t wear his armor (read Ephesians 6:10-18) is not protected against Satan’s attacks. The best way to defeat Satan is to walk in total obedience to Christ. In cases of demonic oppression, you should call for the elders of the church to pray for you. Neither Satan nor his demons have any power or authority over you when Christ directs your life. You need to trust God’s Word on that. Read 2 Corinthians 10:3-5.

PROBLEM # 8: “How can I live an obedient life in the face of so much temptation?”

SOLUTION: Review lessons 2 and 3 and make sure you have surrendered your life to the Holy Spirit. Obedience will only come if you yield your life to the Holy Spirit moment by moment. Strength to overcome temptation is greatly increased when you read and memorize God’s Word, pray, fellowship with other believers, and share God’s love with others. Begin each day with Him, and breathe spiritually throughout the day.

PROBLEM # 9: “I can’t seem to have victory over sexual sins.”

SOLUTION: God made your body, and He understands your desires. Sex was created by God as a good thing when it is an expression of love between a husband and wife. God’s Word condemns sex outside of marriage, but He still forgives us when we fall. The Christian who has yielded his or her body to God can have complete victory over sexual sin. Satan will attack our thought life and tell us that we can’t win, but God’s power is greater, and He will give victory to those who truly want it. Read Ephesians 6:10-18.

PROBLEM # 10: “I don’t seem to be growing in my walk with Christ.”

SOLUTION: Here is a secret. Most men and women who live godly lives spend time in God’s Word reviewing, and even memorizing, his promises. Then throughout the day they apply them to each situation they face. Living in the power of the Holy Spirit and spending time in God’s Word go hand in hand. “So I run straight to the goal with purpose in every step” (1 Corinthians 9:26).