Continual Battle

In addition to Satanic attacks, as long as you live, you will also have your own flesh with you, and its desire for self-gratification. Life will be a continual battle between the desire to do things your way…or Christ’s way.

Read Galatians 5:16-23.

Q What does Galatians 5:16-18 say about this warfare? _________________________________________________________


Choosing to listen to the Holy Spirit and follow his leading will always be the right choice!

Q According to Galatians 5:16-23, contrast the two different lives:

The Self-Controlled Life The Spirit-Controlled Life
__________________ ___________________
__________________ ___________________
__________________ ___________________

The “Filling” of the Holy Spirit

The Bible says: “So I advise you to live according to your new life in the Holy Spirit. Then you won’t be doing your sinful nature craves” (Galatians 5:16).

The word “filled” means to be directed and controlled. A basketball player voluntarily puts himself under the control of his coach. He does this so he can play his best…and win the game.

The player is not a robot. But he freely chooses to let his coach direct him, because he wants to play well…and win!

Q What does Ephesians 5:18 say? _________________________________________________________


A New Way to Think

God’s extreme plan for you is to mold you into the image of Christ. This life-long process is the work of the Holy Spirit…as you give Him control of your life (Romans 8:29).

The Holy Spirit will gradually conform us into the image of Christ as we submit ourselves to Him. Of course, we will never be totally like Christ until we are with Him in Heaven.

Continual Battle

In addition to Satanic attacks, as long as you live, you will also have your own flesh with you, and its desire for self-gratification. Life will be a continual battle between the desire to do things your way…or Christ’s way.

Read Galatians 5:16-23.

? What does Galatians 5:16-18 say about this warfare?



Choosing to listen to the Holy Spirit and follow his leading will always be the right choice!

? According to Galatians 5:16-23, contrast the two different lives:

Beginning Your Day

If you want your relationship with Christ to grow, plan to meet Him every morning. Read 7 minutes with God—How to Plan a Daily Quiet Time by Navpress.

Many Christians who are abiding in Christ begin their day with a “quiet time.” You can start talking to God “before your feet hit the ground,” as you get out of bed. Say something like this:

“Good morning Lord! Today, before I get going, I just want You to know I love You…and want to live for You today!”

Claiming His Promises

If you really want to have an extreme day, take some of God’s promises with you, and claim them for your day. Here’s a great verse to get you started:

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do, and He will direct your paths” (Proverbs 3:5-6).


“Lord, today, I am going to trust You to direct my paths, and I am going to seek Your will for my life in each situation.”

Restoring Fellowship By Confession

When you slip and fall, and feel like no one cares, run to your Lord’s waiting arms. He will comfort you and dry your tears. (Read Romans 8:26-27.)

To restore fellowship with the Holy Spirit, simply tell Him that you have sinned, (name it), and choose to let Him control your life. He will then restore you to fellowship with Him (see 1 John 1:9).

Thank, Praise, and Adore Him

God has done so much for you that it is important to take some time to thank Him, and think about his love and grace. Read the Psalms, and as you read the many praises…stop and make them your own. Think about God’s greatness and his great love for you…and adore Him. (Begin with Psalms 95, 107, 145-150.)


God wants you to bring Him your requests. In fact, He delights in your requests since it is an act of faith and obedience. Never quit asking Him for things that are biblical and within his will. He promises to answer those prayers…in his time!

So…are you talking to your Father?

Suggestion: For the next 30 days start a prayer list. Add to it each day. Write down the following:

  • Your personal growth in Christ
  • Specific issues you are dealing with
  • Friends and family
  • Non-Christians you desire to know Christ
  • Other Christians you can help grow

Are you beginning to see how all the pieces fit together?

If you are reading God’s Word, and allowing the Holy Spirit to control your life…you will naturally talk with Him more. As you put all these “pieces” together, your faith will grow.

How to Share Christ with Others

You don’t need to be an expert in the Bible, or have years of experience with Christ to witness for Him. There are several ways you can verbally share Christ on a daily basis.

Informal Sharing

You don’t have to make a complete presentation of the Gospel to make an impact for Christ. Ask the Holy Spirit to lead you to someone who is open to hearing more about Christ:

  • Invite a friend to church or a study group you are part of.
  • Give your personal testimony.
  • Ask someone to join you at a Christian event.
  • Introduce a friend to other Christians.
  • Give out a Christian book or tract.

The key to informal witnessing is to be available…and to ask God to lead you. He will! He has been waiting for you to ask Him!

Presenting Christ’s Claims Directly

Everyone needs an opportunity to hear the complete story of how much God loves him/her personally. Once you have established a relationship with a person, and “earned the right to be heard,” pray for an opportunity to share Christ with them.

Most people reject Christianity because they really don’t understand what it is all about, or they misunderstand and think it is just “religion”. They don’t realize that it a relationship with their Creator…Jesus Christ! The best way to witness…so that people really understand what the Bible says…is to make a concise presentation of the Gospel with your testimony and biblical references.

In the following area briefly write out your testimony about how you received Christ, and how He has changed you. (Use another sheet of paper if necessary.)





  • Pray
    “Go to God about men…before you go to men about God.” Ask God to prepare the person’s heart and to control you by the Holy Spirit.
  • Use a Gospel Tract
    In order to be concise and not get side-tracked, use a good Gospel tract, such as The Four Spiritual Laws, by Bill Bright (New Life Publications), or The Bridge, (Navpress). You can also use lesson 1 of this booklet.
  • Use a Bible
    Carry a small Bible with you that has the key verses underlined. It’s best to use a modern translation, such as the New Living Translation. Try to memorize the key verses for each point of the Gospel.
  • Share Your Personal Testimony
    Write out your personal testimony, and review it with a friend until you can present it naturally in 3 to 5 minutes. Keep focused on how Christ has changed your life…and how much He means to you. Be enthusiastic…but not phony. Be transparent…and let them know you’re “real”.
  • Stay Focused
    You fight a spiritual battle when you share Christ with an unbeliever. There may be unusual interruptions…or the person might try to evade the real issues and get you off track. Pray, and keep focused on Christ’s love…and his death for them on the Cross. Emphasize how important they are to God.
  • Ask For A Decision
    As the Holy Spirit leads, expect God to be working in their heart. Ask one of the following questions:
  • “Does this make sense to you?”
  • “Would you like to accept God’s Gift?”
  • “Would you like to make sure?”
  • “Would you like to ask Jesus into your life?”
  • Lead Them In Prayer
    If they are ready to receive Christ, pray with them, using the prayer in your tract, or from lesson 1 in this booklet.

The Next Step

Once a person has come to Christ, it is vital that you show them how the “pieces” of the “puzzle” fit together. Schedule a time to go through this booklet with them.

It is also vital that they immediately get “connected” with other Christians…preferably people they can relate to.

Passing the Baton

When you lead a person to Christ, you are “passing the baton” to them. Teach them from God’s Word the discipleship principle Paul taught Timothy, so they will pass it on to others: “Teach these great truths to trustworthy people who are able to pass them on to others” (2 Timothy 2:2).

For those who take God’s Word seriously and want to be discipled, it is strongly recommended that you schedule regular meetings (at least every other week), to get deeper into the Bible. Both a small group Bible study and one-on-one discipleship are recommended for a new believer.

Run to Win!

Although this lesson concludes this study, your race goes on! There are many miles to go.

You now see how each “piece” of this “puzzle” is vital for your growth in Christ…all contributing to the extreme life God wants you to live.

Marathon runners often get weary during the long race. Some quit. Those who finish strong are focused on the finish line, the satisfaction of doing well, and the prize ahead.

God’s Word tells you how to finish strong: “…let us strip off every weight that slows us down…And let us run with endurance the race that God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, on whom our faith depends from start to finish” (Hebrews 12:12).

Q What weight is slowing you down?



Q What changes have you made to assure a well run race?



Q What’s the most important thing you have learned in this study?



So…are the pieces coming together?

By now you should have a good understanding of what the “picture” of the completed “puzzle” looks like.

When Christ is the center of your life, everything will be different. Your life will be full of joy and peace. You will want to please Him. God will give you love for other people, even your enemies.

God can take ordinary people like you and me and make our lives truly extreme. This is the life God promises to every believer who trusts and obeys Him.

“By His mighty power at work within us, He is able to accomplish infinitely more than we would ever dare to ask or hope” (Ephesians 3:20).

Are you ready to risk it all for Christ? He is completely trustworthy…and will be with you in every mile of your race…even when you are weary and feel like quitting.

“But those who wait on the Lord will find new strength. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint” (Isaiah 40:31).

It is the will of God that you keep on running. Run well, and receive the prize! (1 Corinthians 9:24-26).

God has great plans for you! (See Jeremiah 29:11.)

Living the Extreme Life Moment by Moment

In these final few pages we’ve listed some of the trials and hurdles you may encounter as you set out to live an Extreme Life with Christ. Along with each trial or hurdle we’ve also listed the truths you’ve learned throughout this course. Memorize God’s promises and apply them to your life on a regular basis. As you walk with God on a daily basis you will experience Extreme Life with Him!

PROBLEM #1: “I don’t feel forgiven.”
Read of Jesus’ total forgiveness in lesson 1.

PROBLEM #2: I find it difficult to trust Jesus with my problems and the details of life.”
SOLUTION: Read about the Holy Spirit’s supernatural help for you in lessons 2 and 3. Jesus is God, and knows everything. He promises to take care of you and meet all your needs because He cares for you. (Remember: needs and wants are different.)

PROBLEM #3:“How can I know God hasn’t forgotten me when I experience trials and down times? If God cares about me, why doesn’t He take my trials away?”
SOLUTION: God’s Word tells us we will experience trials and hardships. (Remember Joni in lesson 3?) Jesus himself and his disciples had many trials and were ultimately killed for their faith. But God was always present through their trials and gave them supernatural peace and joy.

PROBLEM #4: “I keep struggling over and over with the same sins and can’t seem to break free. How does the Holy Spirit give me the power to obey Him?”
SOLUTION: You must choose to trust the Holy Spirit with each thought and deed in your life. Practice Spiritual Breathing (lesson 3). You will never totally eliminate sin in your life, but you can choose at any moment to confess your sin and walk in the total forgiveness and power of the indwelling Holy Spirit.

PROBLEM #5: “Why don’t I experience the joy and peace Jesus promises to his children?”
SOLUTION: It’s easy for all of us to take our eyes off of Jesus and get discouraged by our own circumstances. Jesus wants us to put our complete trust and hope in Him, not in this world. When our eyes are on Him, He gives us his peace and joy.

PROBLEM #6: “Why aren’t my prayers being answered?”
SOLUTION: Read lesson 5. God promises to answer prayers when they are the result of pure motives and in accordance with his will and purpose. However, God’s ways and timing are not the same as ours, and He answers our requests in the way He determines best. Don’t despair, keep trusting God and bring your requests to Him. Often God answers prayers in ways we don’t understand or realize. Someday we will fully understand his purposes, but until then, we must trust Him, and keep praying

PROBLEM # 7: I believe Satan or an evil spirit has control over me. How can I be delivered from the forces of evil?”
SOLUTION: Satan has no power over an obedient Christian. While he may attack us, he is powerless when we are walking in the Spirit. However, a Christian who doesn’t wear his armor (read Ephesians 6:10-18) is not protected against Satan’s attacks. The best way to defeat Satan is to walk in total obedience to Christ. In cases of demonic oppression, you should call for the elders of the church to pray for you. Neither Satan nor his demons have any power or authority over you when Christ directs your life. You need to trust God’s Word on that. Read 2 Corinthians 10:3-5.

PROBLEM # 8: “How can I live an obedient life in the face of so much temptation?”
SOLUTION: Review lessons 2 and 3 and make sure you have surrendered your life to the Holy Spirit. Obedience will only come if you yield your life to the Holy Spirit moment by moment. Strength to overcome temptation is greatly increased when you read and memorize God’s Word, pray, fellowship with other believers, and share God’s love with others. Begin each day with Him, and breathe spiritually throughout the day.

PROBLEM # 9: “I can’t seem to have victory over sexual sins.”
SOLUTION: God made your body, and He understands your desires. Sex was created by God as a good thing when it is an expression of love between a husband and wife. God’s Word condemns sex outside of marriage, but He still forgives us when we fall. The Christian who has yielded his or her body to God can have complete victory over sexual sin. Satan will attack our thought life and tell us that we can’t win, but God’s power is greater, and He will give victory to those who truly want it. Read Ephesians 6:10-18.

PROBLEM # 10:“I don’t seem to be growing in my walk with Christ.”
SOLUTION: Here is a secret. Most men and women who live godly lives spend time in God’s Word reviewing, and even memorizing, his promises. Then throughout the day they apply them to each situation they face. Living in the power of the Holy Spirit and spending time in God’s Word go hand in hand. “So I run straight to the goal with purpose in every step” (1 Corinthians 9:26).

Living the Extreme Life Moment by Moment

In these final few pages we’ve listed some of the trials and hurdles you may encounter as you set out to live an Extreme Life with Christ. Along with each trial or hurdle we’ve also listed the truths you’ve learned throughout this course. Memorize God’s promises and apply them to your life on a regular basis. As you walk with God on a daily basis you will experience Extreme Life with Him!

PROBLEM #1: “I don’t feel forgiven.”

SOLUTION: Read of Jesus’ total forgiveness in lesson 1.

PROBLEM #2: “I find it difficult to trust Jesus with my problems and the details of life.”

SOLUTION: Read about the Holy Spirit’s supernatural help for you in lessons 2 and 3. Jesus is God, and knows everything. He promises to take care of you and meet all your needs because He cares for you. (Remember: needs and wants are different.)

PROBLEM #3: “How can I know God hasn’t forgotten me when I experience trials and down times? If God cares about me, why doesn’t He take my trials away?”

SOLUTION: God’s Word tells us we will experience trials and hardships. (Remember Joni in lesson 3?) Jesus himself and his disciples had many trials and were ultimately killed for their faith. But God was always present through their trials and gave them supernatural peace and joy.

PROBLEM #4: “I keep struggling over and over with the same sins and can’t seem to break free. How does the Holy Spirit give me the power to obey Him?”

SOLUTION: You must choose to trust the Holy Spirit with each thought and deed in your life. Practice Spiritual Breathing (lesson 3). You will never totally eliminate sin in your life, but you can choose at any moment to confess your sin and walk in the total forgiveness and power of the indwelling Holy Spirit.

PROBLEM #5: “Why don’t I experience the joy and peace Jesus promises to his children?”

SOLUTION: It’s easy for all of us to take our eyes off of Jesus and get discouraged by our own circumstances. Jesus wants us to put our complete trust and hope in Him, not in this world. When our eyes are on Him, He gives us his peace and joy.

PROBLEM #6: “Why aren’t my prayers being answered?”

SOLUTION: Read lesson 5. God promises to answer prayers when they are the result of pure motives and in accordance with his will and purpose. However, God’s ways and timing are not the same as ours, and He answers our requests in the way He determines best. Don’t despair, keep trusting God and bring your requests to Him. Often God answers prayers in ways we don’t understand or realize. Someday we will fully understand his purposes, but until then, we must trust Him, and keep praying.

PROBLEM # 7: “I believe Satan or an evil spirit has control over me. How can I be delivered from the forces of evil?”

SOLUTION: Satan has no power over an obedient Christian. While he may attack us, he is powerless when we are walking in the Spirit. However, a Christian who doesn’t wear his armor (read Ephesians 6:10-18) is not protected against Satan’s attacks. The best way to defeat Satan is to walk in total obedience to Christ. In cases of demonic oppression, you should call for the elders of the church to pray for you. Neither Satan nor his demons have any power or authority over you when Christ directs your life. You need to trust God’s Word on that. Read 2 Corinthians 10:3-5.

PROBLEM # 8: “How can I live an obedient life in the face of so much temptation?”

SOLUTION: Review lessons 2 and 3 and make sure you have surrendered your life to the Holy Spirit. Obedience will only come if you yield your life to the Holy Spirit moment by moment. Strength to overcome temptation is greatly increased when you read and memorize God’s Word, pray, fellowship with other believers, and share God’s love with others. Begin each day with Him, and breathe spiritually throughout the day.

PROBLEM # 9: “I can’t seem to have victory over sexual sins.”

SOLUTION: God made your body, and He understands your desires. Sex was created by God as a good thing when it is an expression of love between a husband and wife. God’s Word condemns sex outside of marriage, but He still forgives us when we fall. The Christian who has yielded his or her body to God can have complete victory over sexual sin. Satan will attack our thought life and tell us that we can’t win, but God’s power is greater, and He will give victory to those who truly want it. Read Ephesians 6:10-18.

PROBLEM # 10: “I don’t seem to be growing in my walk with Christ.”

SOLUTION: Here is a secret. Most men and women who live godly lives spend time in God’s Word reviewing, and even memorizing, his promises. Then throughout the day they apply them to each situation they face. Living in the power of the Holy Spirit and spending time in God’s Word go hand in hand. “So I run straight to the goal with purpose in every step” (1 Corinthians 9:26).

Making the Pieces Fit

In some ways, Extreme Living is like a puzzle, with the various “pieces” of experiencing God coming together to help us know Him in a deeper way. The pieces are the Holy Spirit, faith, God’s Word, prayer, fellowship, and obedience. Each one of these “pieces” is interrelated, and works in conjunction with the other “pieces” to strengthen our walk with Christ. The more time you spend in understanding and applying what God’s Word says about each “piece’, the more extreme your life with Christ will become.

However, these “pieces” will only fit together if the “puzzle frame” is in place. In this illustration, the “frame” means that you have put your faith in Jesus Christ and you are one of his children. Without the “frame” none of the “pieces” will fit.

Connecting the Pieces

Once you have put your faith in Jesus Christ, you will want to learn how to live the amazing life He has planned for you. Get ready for extreme living as you connect the “pieces” of His plan for you.

Running a Marathon

If you have made the decision to receive Jesus as your personal Savior and Lord, you have begun an exciting journey with Christ that will never end.

The Christian life is more like a marathon than a sprint. At the beginning of a race, competitors always feel great and have lots of energy. However, you can’t expect the emotions that you are feeling as you begin your walk with Christ to carry you through when the pressures of daily life are upon you.

Running a marathon requires a great deal of time in training. But training time definitely pays off in helping a runner to run a better race.

In order for you to run your best race for Christ, you also need to spend time in training. It takes daily discipline to put God into our days. Set your sights on Christ at the finish line…and run your race to win! God wants you to be a winner in the Christian life, and is totally committed to your success, and His Holy Spirit will empower you and help you during each mile you run in life.