Ambassadors for Christ

In the same passage of Scripture that Paul tells the Corinthian believers about the Judgment Seat of Christ, Paul tells them another important fact: “We are Christ’s ambassadors” (2 Corinthians 5:20).

A country selects an ambassador to represent them in the highest manner to another land. Great care is made by the King or President to select the finest representative.

Your King has selected you to represent Him. You are God’s choice to reach others for Him. You are Christ’s “witness”.

Your witness for Christ takes two basic forms:

  • Witness by your “walk”
  • Witness by your “talk”

Walk Before You Talk

One reason to grow in your relationship with Christ is so others can see Christ by your walk. This can have a huge impact on others. Jesus said: “Let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father” (Matthew 5:16).

** Write down your thoughts on being Christ’s Ambassador:





Work in Progress

Don’t let the fact that you are a “work in progress” stop you from sharing Christ with others. Satan would love for you to keep silent about your new relationship with Christ.

However, if you are not living for Christ, that behavior will be obvious, and sharing Christ will appear hypocritical to others.

Q Is there anything holding you back from sharing Christ with your friends and others?





Telling Others the Good News

Have you ever thought about how many people you know, or rub shoulders with who are hurting…and are disillusioned with life? In fact, some get so despondent that they consider ending it all

Q Can you think of some people you have the opportunity to share Christ with?





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