Obedience — Running to Win

In John 15 Jesus tells us that an abiding life is essential if we are to produce fruit for Him. Jesus also tells us that the only way to abide in Him is to be obedient to his commands.

“If you keep my commandments, you will abide in My love; just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and abide in His love” (John 15:10).

If you are truly running to win the extreme prize God has for you, then aim to please Christ by obeying his commands. Jesus said,

“If you love me, obey my commandments.”

The entire Christian life is to be lived by faith, not works. Other religions give lists of rules to follow. But when we see how much God loves us, and that Jesus paid the ultimate price for our sins, we will want to obey Him. Trusting the Holy Spirit with your life will result in a life of obedience to his Word.

Don’t be disappointed when progress in your Christian walk doesn’t happen as quickly as you want. Christian growth is a lifelong process. God is patient with you, and will never take his love away from you. Remember, the Holy Spirit will give you victory any moment you choose to obey Him.

Many Christians say they trust God with their lives, but refuse to obey his Word. James calls their faith “dead.” The abiding life however, is to be lived by faith, trusting in God’s promises even when we are going through trials and don’t understand how God is answering our prayers. Remember the two circles from lesson 2?

Two types of Christians

Q Which circle represents your life?


If Christ is directing your life, it will result in a transformation of both your walk and your talk. In other words, your character will become more like Christ’s character, and your words and actions will sound and look like Him.

The Walk

We have already seen that a life of obedience to Christ is based upon faith in his Word. You and I are totally unable to live the Christian life in our own strength. However, by faith in his promises, the Holy Spirit gives us the power to overcome trials and temptations. As we surrender our lives to Him, He conforms us into his likeness.

Jesus is totally unlike us. Let’s take a look at just a few of the differences:

  • Holy
  • Loving
  • Humble
  • Forgiving
  • Obedient
  • Sinful
  • Unloving
  • Proud
  • Unforgiving
  • Disobedient

 In spite of the differences, the Holy Spirit is continually conforming us into Christ’s image. What does Paul tell us in Galatians 4:19?



Personal Holiness

One of God’s attributes is holiness, which means He is morally pure and righteous, set apart from any unclean thought or deed.

The Holy Spirit is working in our lives to remove all filthiness and lustful thinking

Nancy DeMoss writes, “True holiness starts on the inside–with our thoughts, attitudes, values, and motives–those innermost parts of our hearts that only God can see. It also affects our outward and visible behavior: ‘Be holy in all your conduct.’”

Q What does Peter say in 1 Peter 1:15-16?



Q What does Paul say in 1 Corinthians 6:18-20?



Love for Others

The Holy Spirit is actively at work in giving us his supernatural love for others. His love is forgiving rather than judgmental, patient rather than irritable, and compassionate rather than easily angered and embittered towards others. Corrie ten Boom was only able to love the prison guard who demeaned and abused her when she made the choice to love him by faith.

Many Christians are able to put on a good front, which appears loving, while holding deep grudges and resentments inside. Christ’s love is totally different; it begins on the inside.

Since it is impossible for us to simply improve our sinful natures, our act of obedience is to surrender our lives to the Holy Spirit, and allow Him to make us Christ-like.

Q What does Paul say in Galatians 3:3?



Q What is Paul’s solution in Galatians 2:20?



Q What does a Christ-centered life look like in Galatians 5:22?



Q What areas of your walk with Christ have changed to become more like Him?



Q What areas have not changed that need to be surrendered to Him?



Q Why not surrender those areas to the Holy Spirit now? List any areas you need to surrender:



The Talk

You and I as followers of Jesus Christ have the privilege of sharing the good news of eternal life with others. There is tremendous joy in winning other to Christ.

“Jesus came and told His disciples, ‘I have been given complete authority in heaven and on earth. Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations…’” (Matthew 28:18-19).

As you continue your race, remember that Jesus’ command is to all believers…including you! In this lesson you will learn how to invest your life to win others to Christ, thus fulfilling your Lord’s Great Commission.

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