Unique Gifts

You are a unique creation of God. He has given you unique gifts that are needed in the body of Christ. In 1 Corinthians 12:4-11, Paul tells you some vital things about your gifts:

Q Who gave you your gifts? (v.11)


Q Which gift is most important? (v.21-23)


Q What are you warned against? (v.25)


Q What are you to do for others? (v.26)


Satan is very clever in convincing many Christians that they are not important to Christ’s work on earth. Many leave the job of doing God’s work to those with gifts that are more obvious…such as the speaking gifts. God’s Word is clear that each gift is vital to his Kingdom!

The entire body of Christ is commissioned and gifted to accomplish Jesus’ Great Commission…to “go into all the world and tell the Good News to everyone”. With God, there is no distinction between clergy and laity.

In one way, your role in the church is similar to a player on a basketball, football, or soccer team. Unless each player uses his skill and talent to play, the game could be lost. To win, each player must do his job well. As an important part of God’s winning team, you need to play the position He has gifted you to play!

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