Knowing Your Father

A.W. Tozer once said, “What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.”

The first part of this study focuses on God’s character. Once you know who your Father is, it’s much easier to talk with Him.

Before you begin trying to grasp how totally amazing your Heavenly Father is…you need to know that his greatness is far beyond human understanding. However, his Word does give us part of the picture!


  • God is Sovereign (In Charge)
  • God is Eternal (Always Existed)
  • God is Omniscient (All Knowing)
  • God is Omnipresent (Everywhere)
  • God is Omnipotent (All Powerful)
  • God is Immutable (Unchanging)
  • God is Holy (Righteous and Set Apart)
  • God is Just (Absolutely Fair)
  • God is Love (Unconditional Acceptance)
  • God is Truth (Totally Trustworthy)

As you look at this list, and the following descriptions, take time to think about each one of God’s characteristics, and how each attribute affects your view of God…and your relationship with Him.

God is Sovereign (In Charge)

God alone is Ruler of the universe. He has complete authority to do whatever pleases Him.

When you talk to your Father, approach Him with humility and respect for his absolute authority.

Q Read Job 1:6-12. Throughout this conversation, who was in control at all times?



Q Whom can you trust at all times?



Q What does Romans 8:28 mean to you personally?



God is Eternal (Always Exists)

You live in a time dimension. God doesn’t. God has always existed, and He always will exist. When you join God in heaven, you will live forever with Him. He gives you eternal life!

When you talk to your Father, think about the time ahead when you will be with Him forever and ever!

Q What else has God told us is eternal? (Isaiah 40:8)



Q How long will God rule? (Psalm 45:6)



God is Omniscient (All Knowing)

God knows everything in the past. He knows everything that is going on in the universe now. And He knows everything that is going to happen in the future.

** Read Psalm 139, and jot down your thoughts:



When you talk to your Father, think about the fact that He knows what you are going to say…before you say it. He even knows what is going on deep in your heart. And, He knows what is best for you!

God is Omnipresent (Everywhere)

This universe is about thirty billion light years across…and contains at least ten trillion stars. (More than all the grains of sand on earth!) Yet God is present on every star, and in every inch of space.

** Write down your thoughts on Psalm 139:7-8:



When you talk to your Father, think about the fact that wherever you go…He is already there. Even during your darkest time…you can count on his being there.

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