Power Over Temptation

We all face numerous temptations daily. Being tempted is not a sin; it is normal.

When tempted, your choice is to give in or to trust God. Giving in to temptation is sin, and breaks fellowship with God.

Read the following verse carefully, and apply what it says to any temptations you are currently facing.

“…the temptations that come into your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will keep the temptation from becoming so strong that you can’t stand up against it. When you are tempted, He will show you a way out so that you will not give into it” (1 Corinthians 10:13).

In this verse, God tells you how to overcome temptation:

  • Trust God…that your temptation is normal.
  • Trust God…for the ability to withstand it.
  • Trust God…to give you a “way out”.

Q Are you trusting God to help you overcome temptation? _________________________________________________________


Don’t ever say, “The temptation is too strong,” and give in to it. If you are abiding in God, the Holy Spirit has promised to give you the power to withstand temptation.

Darrel’s Story

“I was involved in a sexual relationship with Tori whom I had been dating for two years. When I got back from Young Life Camp, I wanted to please my Savior. But I tried to rationalize my behavior–thinking that God might approve. I thought God would understand my “needs”.

“But, because I wanted to please Christ, I read the Bible to see what it said about sexual purity. I realized the importance of obedience to Christ, and that sex outside of marriage was wrong. I knew though, that I didn’t have the strength to break off the relationship with Tori.

“So, by faith, I asked for the Holy Spirit to empower me to obey Him. The temptation to have sex with Tori was so strong, that I realized we needed to quit seeing each other.

“When I chose to obey Him and quit having sex with Tori, the Holy Spirit gave me a tremendous peace and joy. Since that decision, life has been truly awesome!”

Darrel took God seriously, and “ran” from the temptation that could have entrapped him and hindered his walk with Christ. By faith Darrel chose to obey God…and he won a great victory! (See John 14:21.)

Q What are some steps you can take the next time you are tempted? _________________________________________________________


Power Over Sin

Sin can become addictive, but the Holy Spirit can break that bondage by his extreme power.

Matt’s Story

“Although I was a worship leader in my church, I led a double life. I became addicted to pornography at eleven years of age. As my addiction grew, my cravings became more vile and ugly. Soon I was having all-night sessions on the Internet, and even fantasizing about rape. I was out of control.

“When a godly man told me about the Holy Spirit’s power to break my addiction, I began looking into God’s Word and memorized its promises. I discovered God’s awesome power to overcome my addiction.

“My breakthrough came when I began believing and claiming God’s promises. Whenever I am tempted, I think about a promise in God’s Word that applies to that particular temptation.

I then simply focus on His Word, and pray for the Holy Spirit to give me strength to overcome.

“There are really four keys to my victory over the bondage of sin:

”First, I needed to take the time to memorize and meditate on God’s promises. I discovered a treasure of God’s many promises throughout Scripture that are vital to victorious living.

“Second, I confess my sins whenever my thoughts are wrong. According to 1 John 1:9 I take Him at his Word that I am forgiven. (Exhale…See lesson 3.)

“Third, I surrender my thoughts and actions to the Holy Spirit by telling Him I want to please Him. (Inhale…See lesson 3.)

“Finally, I spend time with my mentor and other Christians who hold me accountable and encourage me in my walk with Christ.

“As I’ve applied God’s Word to all areas of my life, I have been free from bondage to sin and addiction. God has blessed me with a wonderful Christian wife and family. My wife and I are now teaching others how memorizing God’s promises can help overcome sin and addiction. I feel so free and joyful now that I have turned my life completely over to the Holy Spirit’s control.”

“In every battle you will need faith as your shield to stop the fiery arrows aimed at you by Satan” (Ephesians 6:16).

If you are involved in a battle over temptation, sin, or addiction to a substance or lifestyle, the power of the Holy Spirit is able to lift you out and give you total victory. Choose to trust Him!

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