Belief Causes Behavior

How you act and behave is motivated by what you think.

Many people fill their lives by chasing after money, sex, or toys, thinking it will bring them happiness. They think, “He who dies with the most toys, wins!” As a result, they waste their lives.

Other people leave God out of their lives because they believe life will be boring. They believe God is against fun…and doesn’t care about their dreams. They don’t want to trust Him with their future.

The Bible says that God loves you so much that He desires and plans the very best for your future. Read what the psalmist said: “Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you your heart’s desires” (Psalm 37:4).

If you accept God’s Word as truth, you will give all your plans and dreams to God because you believe that He will “give you your heart’s desires.”

Q What does Romans 8:32 say about God’s trustworthiness? _________________________________________________________


Q Are you ready to make the truth of God’s Word the foundation of your beliefs? _________________________________________________________


Overcoming Doubt

Joni’s Story

Joni Eareckson was an attractive, athletic teenager who had everything going her way in life–until she dove head first into a shallow lake…breaking her neck.

Joni had trusted Christ for salvation in Young Life, but most of her hopes and dreams were for self-fulfillment. Suddenly Joni’s world totally fell apart. She would never walk, or be able to use her hands again!

Joni’s faith was shaken. Joni says:

“In those first few months after my injury, the promises of God seemed anything but true…How could I be expected to believe when everything inside and outside of me screamed just the opposite?”

Joni struggled greatly until a friend from Young Life named Steve Estes encouraged her to trust God. Through time, and hearing God’s Word, Joni began to believe God’s promises. Joni did overcome her despair…by faith–and today runs an international ministry, Joni and Friends, which shares Christ’s love with disabled people all over the world.

“Today as I look back, I am convinced that the whole ordeal of my paralysis was inspired by God’s love. I wasn’t the brunt of some cruel divine joke. God had reasons behind my suffering, and learning some of them has made all the difference in the world.” (Joni, A Step Further)

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