Faith Versus Feelings

Christianity is a relationship with Christ—based on faith alone! Your faith is to be based on the facts in the Bible…not feelings! (See 2 Timothy 3:16.) Faith in Christ may result in feelings…and often does. But, emotions are changeable, and you can’t depend upon them. You can only depend on what God says in his Word!

Accepting God’s Forgiveness

The most important decision you will ever make in life is to receive Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and Lord. Coming to Jesus is not about “giving up” anything in your life. Rather, it is about accepting God’s forgiveness by faith.

Personal Invitation

In order to receive God’s forgiveness for your sins, you must personally invite Jesus Christ into your life (John 1:12). God knows your thoughts and motives. He desires you to come to Him in faith and humbleness, thanking Him for his death for you on the cross. You receive Jesus Christ into your life by personally asking Him to come into your life and forgive your sins.

Q Have you ever personally invited Jesus into your life? If so, when?



If you haven’t every invited Jesus into your life, simply pray the following words, trusting Him to answer you.

“Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for dying for all my sins–past, present, and future. Thank you for giving me eternal life, which you made possible by your death and resurrection. I receive You as my Savior by faith, and desire You to be Lord of my life.”

Date: ______________

Where Are You Going After You Die?

Read 1 John 5:11-13. If you have Jesus Christ in your life, what are you sure of?



Q Once you have put your faith in Christ, is there anything that can separate you from God’s love? What does Romans 8:38-39 tell us?



Will Christ ever leave you? What does Hebrews 13:5 have to say?



For how long will God forgive your sins? Read Hebrews 8:12.



As God’s child He will always love you—even when you fail Him. He will never give up on you—even when you give up on Him. Never quit running the race!

Your Inheritance In Christ

As a Christian, you are granted an inheritance. Take time to read the following verses that tell you about your inheritance in Christ, and thank God for giving it to you.

  • Your sins are completely forgiven (Colossians 2:13-14).
  • You become a child of God—forever (John 1:12).
  • Christ actually comes into your life (Revelations 3:20).
  • The Holy Spirit is your guarantee (2 Corinthians 1:22).
  • Christ gives you his nature (2 Corinthians 5:17).

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